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New Zealand Visa Transfer to New Passport

If you are planning to travel to New Zealand or you are currently residing in the country and have recently obtained a new passport, you may be wondering how to transfer your existing visa to your new passport. In this article, we will guide you through the process of transferring your New Zealand visa transfer to new passport step by step.

Understanding the Process

Transferring your visa to a new passport is a common procedure that many travelers go through. Whether you have lost your old passport, it has expired, or you have simply received a new one, you will need to transfer your visa to ensure a smooth entry or exit from New Zealand.

Step 1: Obtain Your New Passport

The first step in transferring your New Zealand visa to your new passport is to obtain your new passport. Make sure that your new passport is valid and contains all the necessary information required for visa processing.

Step 2: Contact Immigration New Zealand

Once you have your new passport, you will need to contact Immigration New Zealand to inform them about the change and request a transfer of your visa. You can do this by visiting their website or contacting them through email or phone.

Step 3: Submit Required Documents

Immigration New Zealand may require you to submit certain documents along with your new passport for the visa transfer process. Make sure to provide all the necessary paperwork promptly to avoid any delays in the transfer.

Step 4: Wait for Approval

After submitting your documents, you will need to wait for Immigration New Zealand to process your visa transfer request. The processing time may vary, so it is essential to be patient during this stage.

Step 5: Receive Your Updated Visa

Once your visa transfer request is approved, Immigration New Zealand will update your visa details in their system and issue NEW ZEALAND VISA WITH DUAL CITIZENSHIP you a new visa label in your new passport. Make sure to check all the details on the new visa label to ensure accuracy.


Transferring your New Zealand visa to your new passport is a simple process that requires careful attention to detail and timely submission of documents. By following the steps outlined in this article and contacting Immigration New Zealand promptly, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new passport without any hassles.

Remember, always double-check with official authorities for the most up-to-date information and requirements regarding visa transfers.

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